Hello! Most of you have probably already heard about the need for making hospital masks. Last week a wonderful woman, named Linda Kroeger, got a hold of me and asked if Country Sampler would help make masks for the pharmacists at UNMC. Her daughter, Heidi, is a pharmacist there. She explained that they want to save the N95 compliant masks for the more critical areas of the hospital, but feel the need for masks in the pharmacy and a few other areas of the hospital. Of course I said YES!
Country Sampler has the BEST customers EVER, so please think about helping the staff at UNMC!! The great part is that you can use your scraps! (I'm not even going to try to sell you fabric kits when you've told all of us at the shop how much fabric you have at home.) :)
Here is a pattern that the UNMC committee has recommended:Craft Passion Face Mask Sewing Pattern. They don't need a pocket.
There has been some conflicting information about whether or not masks are still needed. We have been seeing posts where ladies think that UNMC no longer needs them. Not true. The pharmacy does. The initial feed back from the users... the elastic hurt their ears by the end of the shift. They would welcome the use of ties. That would solve the problem of elastic shortage! We would still greatly appreciate helping them reach their goal of 200. Thee need is great all over the country.
We plan on having a donation drop off point at Country Sampler, starting on Wednesday. We'll have a small container outside of the shop (for now) and you can bag up your masks and drop them in there. We'll pick up every evening and distribute them to UMNC as they come in. Linda will start picking up at the Sampler on Wednesday evening, so let's surprise her with LOTS of masks! We're all in this together!
Any questions, please email me at [email protected] - quilters are generous people, let's see if we can help them out!
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