Okay ... I admit this has nothing to do with quilting, or the shops, or me ... but I found this today and I just had to share it with you.
It's one of those "Who Are They Now" things and reminds me of all those awful pictures they use to take during grade school and junior high. You know the ones. The ones you stuffed into your back pack after homeroom and told people your pictures didn't come or that you have to wait for yours for another 6 weeks 'cause the picture factory had a fire just as your photos were being printed.
Do you know this girl?? Truth be told, it's not a bad picture - I just couldn't figure out who it was, can you??
Take a look and see how you do. I only got three right! Just shows what a little plastic surgery and living in Hollywood can do for you, right?? Anybody know how much airfare is to Los Angeles?? Maybe there's still hope.
Do you recognize these celebrities before they got famous? @ The Sugar Box